PSR working with ONS
ONS address local tech talent shortages and bolster team diversity via PSR’s Recruit, Train, Deploy Framework (RTD)
The Opportunity
The Office for National statistics (ONS) were looking to hire 12 python developers in their Newport and Titchfield locations and historically this skillset was in short supply via traditional routes to market. ONS needed a solution that addressed the local skill shortages as well as one that supported the growth of a more diverse talent pool. ONS decided that PSR’s RTD framework was the right route, as the specialist RTD suppliers could support both objectives.
The PSR RTD solution is approved by Crown Commercial Service and the suppliers available on PSR RTD have been through a rigorous selection process giving ONS the confidence that the suppliers ethos, value and customer service would be at the expected standard.
The Solution
First, ONS selected the supplier. To do this, ONS provided PSR with a detailed requirement overview which was then circulated out to relevant suppliers. Four suppliers presented proposals to ONS and the successful supplier Talent Lab was selected.
Talent Lab then ran a well organised assessment centre which ONS decided they wanted to participate in. The day was co-ordinated in a way that enabled each applicant to meet with an ONS and Talent Lab representative and ONS felt that being involved in the assessment day was important to them as their aim was to eventually employ the cohort permanently. ONS were really impressed by the diverse and high calibre talent in attendance and found it difficult to make the final selections.
The successful candidates then completed a 12-week accredited training programme before starting their 15-month long assignments with ONS. Talent Lab paid the successful candidates a salary from the start of their training all the way through to the end of their 15-month assignment, with a charge to ONS in the form of a day rate from the deployment period start date.
The Outcome
RTD has helped ONS source diverse talent with the aptitude and attitude to become skilled engineers. The customer have fed back that the cohort of newly trained engineers are making an immediate positive impact on output. Some individuals have also successfully transferred into more specialist technical roles, with the RTD foundation training operating as a platform to grow.
ONS wanted a supplier with a proven track record of attracting a diverse mix of candidates and the outcome has met these expectations; the cohort deployed to ONS is a mix of gender and ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
The original 12 Talent Lab Associates have excelled in their roles. While one decided to take another opportunity in the last month of deployment and one relocated abroad, the remaining 10 have secured permanent roles within ONS.
Two of the cohort have secured positions at a higher level than expected due to their outstanding work during deployment!
Outcome Stats
12 Python Developers
33% Identify as Female, 66% Ethnic Diversity